|  | Lawrence San is both a visual artist and a writer, and has worked in each field for many years. Sometimes he works purely in one role; other times he plays multiple roles—such as when creating communication projects for clients or cartoon stories for fans.
San’s published writing has included two columns, each of which ran for a couple of years: San On Web, about the technical, design, and psychological aspects of Web development; and inSANity, an irreverant business column about making a living as a freelancer. Other writings have covered a broad range of corporate, technical, and marketing subjects for a diverse group of clients. San’s published artwork has included both editorial and advertising illustration, as well as self-published graphic stories. His unpublished work includes short stories, a children’s book, and various cartoons. Much of this latter work will eventually appear on this or related Web sites.  Most site maps are just boring lists, but not this one! It has comments and personality, and is the only way to find out everything that’s available on this site. In past years in New York, San worked as a fine-art painter, as a high school English teacher (first in a violent inner-city school, then in a school for the intellectually gifted and talented); and as a graphic artist. Moving to Boston, he worked his way up from production artist, to graphic designer, to art director, to creative director, while usually working on freelance writing and/or illustration assignments as well.  The Tell A Friend panel makes it easy to tell someone else about this website. You can view a strong privacy pledge, and preview what will be sent. San has lectured on subjects such as graphic design, typographic theory, and design/writing integration to large and small audiences of editors, art directors, and business/tech writers in the United States and Japan. He was also one of the very first print designers to make the transition to Web design, building sites back when most people had never heard of the Web. In more recent years, working out of Boston, San has been prototyping publications and other communication projects for clients and employers. For example, he built a small-business webzine (for his then-employer) that quickly received rave press reviews and won several awards—including a nomination for a British Academy Award, the only American webzine so honored at the time. He then headed the editorial and art team that launched a related print magazine, serving as its editor-in-chief and creative director. Other San prototypes have included career guides, technology handbooks, and training materials. These prototypes often take on a life of their own (as an ongoing series of publications) long after San hands off the project. San has also built award-winning Web sites in the communication, staffing, and medical fields. San has been the featured speaker at seminars in several cities around the world, including Tokyo, but also enjoys speaking privately with individuals such as yourself about a wide range of subjects. He encourages contact from fans or critics of his stories, and from business people and professionals who’d like to discuss their current or planned communication projects.  
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You’re reading the short, professional version of the About San page. There’s also a longer, illustrated, much more personal version.
Key to Site Links: Blue with underdots: Goes to a new page. Purple with underdots: Goes to a page you’ve already visited. Blue with popup icon Pops up a related note in a smaller window. Purple with icon A note you’ve seen. Brown with underdots: Jumps within the page. Typical San ProjectsSan has worked on hundreds of diverse communication projects. Some in which he’s played the lead creative (and often technical) role: A webzine launch A print magazine launch An online column about Web technology An illustrated magazine column (online & print) about the psychology of freelancing The world’s first patient-oriented radiology Web site A Web site for a major medical center & teaching hospital Corporate Web sites A series of innovative career guides Technology handbooks for talent agents Computer graphics training programs Created proficiency tests for a whole range of writing, editing, and graphic-arts production skills, for three different talent agencies; also related materials such as scoring guides, handbooks, computer-testing components, & an international training program teaching how to administer and score the tests Corporate capabilities brochures Hi-tech marketing materials International speaking engagements Cartoon illustrations (character designs and backgrounds) for a corporate multimedia animation project |